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You should draw up a personal budget no later than when you select your study program. For general questions, you can refer to the example budget on our website. You can also get information from academic advisors or the student association of the study program you are interested in. Both can advise you as to whether it's realistic to hold down a part-time job while studying.
Once you've created a budget, discuss any financial gaps with your parents. Experience shows that these discussions are more productive when you are well prepared.
Budget template Excel (in German) (XLSX, 32 KB)
Budget template PDF (in German) (PDF, 177 KB)
Please refer to the information in theStudying & Working Part Time section. Depending on your program and personal living situation, it should be possible to earn around CHF 500 per month on the side.
Your housing situation has a big influence on what your budget looks like. Housing in the city of Zurich is very expensive. You should plan to spend CHF 500-850 per month on housing. Sharing an apartment with roommates outside of the city is usually cheaper than having your own place near the university. If you are planning to live on the minimum recommended amount of 2,000 CHF per month, you will have little money for rent, which means that you will need to be more frugal in other areas.
Please note: Cantonal scholarship offices usually do not fund housing costs outside of the parents’ home for students under the age of 25. There are exceptions, usually for excessively long commutes to the university or for cramped living conditions.
In addition to the premiums, you will have to pay the deductible in the amount that you chose as well as a contribution of CHF 700 if you get sick.
You should only choose the highest deductible if you have the money in savings!
Insurance (supplementary insurance)
If your budget permits, you can choose to have a voluntary supplementary insurance policy. Each supplementary policy comes with a range of benefits. Costs can vary widely.
You should check whether you're entitled to subsidies on your premiums. The website of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) contains more information: FOPH - Health insurance: Premium subsidies
Foreign students from the EU/EFTA can apply for an exemption to the mandatory insurance requirement if they already have health insurance in their country of origin. You can obtain more information from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH):FOPH - Health insurance: Foreign students in Switzerland
Accident insurance (UV)
It's mandatory to have accident insurance in Switzerland. If you work for the same employer for a minimum of eight hours per week, you are automatically covered. If you don't work or work too few hours, you will need to take out an accident insurance policy from your health insurer.
The Information Centre Old-Age and Disability Insurance (AHV/IV) provides more details in a fact sheet for students:Information Centre AHV/IV - Contributions from students to the AHV, the IV the EO (in German)
If you and your parents objectively cannot finance your studies, or can only finance them in part, you can apply for a scholarship from your canton.
The scholarship amount depends on many factors, including your parents’ income and assets, your own financial situation, whether you have siblings obtaining their initial education, how old you are, etc.
Education allowances and child allowances are paid out in Switzerland until the age of 25.
If you held a part-time job for at least 12 months over the past two years and have lost this job, you can check whether you are entitled to receive unemployment benefits. However, you need to be willing and able to take on a job similar to the one you are claiming unemployment for.
More Information on the website of the Information Centre AHV/IV: Information Centre AHV/IV - Unemployment insurance (ALV)
In Switzerland, scholarships are preferred to welfare payments. This means that students usually cannot receive welfare. However, there are some municipalities or special situations in which this does not apply.
There are some situations in which it makes sense to take on debt. However, this does not apply to consumer purchases or to basic student financing. Debt can ruin your budget over the long term or make you dependent. You should plan your budget so that you don't have to take on any debt.
We can plan with you to finance your studies in a realistic way, and we will also review the budget you’ve created. Get in touch with us to make an appointment. Contact